Date of birth 10th of November 1986
2012 2nd prize in Masters of Magic, hosted by Magic Circle Denmark, Copenhagen
2012 Received The Talent Award 2012 given by Aalborg Kommune/the City of Aalborg
2010 Nominated for Talent of the Year, Prestize Award, Prestize Magazine
2004 Grand prize winner of Magic Junior Weekend, Danish Junior Championship of Magic
2013 Magic consultant and creator of special effects on the opera production ”La Flûte Chantée”, Filiére Voix, Conservatoire de Vincennes, Paris
2012 Magic consultant and creator of special effects on Loop360’s theatre production ”Habengut – en opfindelsesrejse” (translated ”Habengut – a journey of invention”), Folketeatret, Copenhagen
2012 ”Trylologi” (translated ”Magicology”) – a lecture created and presented in co- operation with psychologist Frederikke Larcheveut Tholander
2011 Magic consultant and creator of special effects on the theatre production ”Notre Commune”, Les Lorialets, Paris
2011 Magic consultant and creator of specail effects on the theatre production ”Dracula”, Teater Thalias Tjenere, - Aarhus, Denmark
2011 Co-creator and performer on the experimental theatre production "I overmorgen bliver jeg en anden..." (”The Day after tomorrow I will become Somebody Else”), Teater Nordkraft - Aalborg, Denmark. Sponsered by The Danish Arts Counsil
2011 Co-creator and performer at Kaninfabrikken III (”The Rabbit Factory III”), Transformator, Aalborg Teater – Aalborg, Denmark
2010 Magic consultant and creator of special effects on the theatre production "Pinocchio", Aarhus Teater, Big Stage – Aarhus, Denmark
2010 Magic consultant and creator of specail effects on the theatre production "Aalborg - Jeg elsker dig" (”Aalborg, I love you”), Aalborg Teater, Transformator - Aalborg, Denmark
2009 Magic consultant and creator of special effects on the theatre production ”Fakiren fra Bilbao” (”The Fakir from Bilbao”), Aalborg Teater, Big Stage – Aalborg Denmark
2008 Co-creator and performer at the magic/music/hacky-sack show Kaninfabrikken (”The Rabbit Factory”), Transformator, Aalborg Teater - Aalborg, Denmark
2008 Co-creator and performer at Kaninfabrikken 2 (”The Rabbit Factory 2”), Transformator, Aalborg Teater - Aalborg, Denmark
2008 Guest performance in the theatre production "Den Grimme Mand" (”Der Häßliche”), Aalborg Teater - Aalborg, Denmark
2007 Consultant and supporting actor in the acclaimed and very popular tv-series ”Mr. Poxycat & Co.” – TV2-production aired at TV2 Zulu, director and script by Nikolai Lie Kaas – national tv, Denmark
2006/7 Magic children’s entertainer at DFDS minicruise-ferry, Crown of Scandinavia – Oslo, Norway – Copenhagen, Denmark
2005 VIP-entertainer at Sclerose Matchen - Århus, Denmark
2004 Isabel Kristensen Fashion Show – Jomfru Ane Gade, Aalborg, Denmark
2003 Performance at Magic Circle Denmark – Copenhagen, Denmark
2003 Specially invited participant at Mini Magic Masters – Cirkusbygningen, Copenhagen, Denmark
2003-2013 Magic Junior Weekend – performer and teacher – Horsens, Denmark
2002-2008 President of Aalborg Magic Club
2012 Masterclass by Peter Brook, Paris, France
2010 3-day private workshop at internationally acclaimed magician Joachim Solberg, Copenhagen, Denmark
2008 7-day exclusive workshop by master magician Armando Lucero, Las Vegas, USA
2006 Participant at Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques (International Federation of Magic Societies) - FISM, World Convention in Magic, Stockholm, Sweden
2006 1-day workshop by master magician Armando Lucero, Stockholm, Sweden
2005 1-day master class by Las Vegas-magician Jeff McBride, Aalborg, Denmark
2005 Participant at Blackpool Magic Convention, Blackpool, England
2003 Participant at Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques (International Federation of Magic Societies) - FISM, World Convention in Magic, Den Haag, The Netherlands
2002 Internship by stand-up comedian and magician Rune Klan, Copenhagen, Denmark
2011-2013 École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq (Le Cours Professionnel), Paris
2008-2011 Aalborg University (Bachelor, Humanistic Informatics // Communication)
2003-2006 Aalborghus Gymnasium (High school, high level subjects: math and English)
1992-2003 Sct. Mariæ Skole (primary and secondary school)